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Thread: Is this a rubbish game ?

  1. #46


    not quite the best but it's ok, the story is fairly good, and the grafics are more atuned to a fairy tale type of environment which isn't bad, and Zidanes weapons are awesome... where this game really fails though is the Trance System and some side quests, Trance is completely useless in my opinion since it does not carry over between battles, which for me meant i never got a chance to use it since Trance has a nasty habit of activating right before the deathblow, also the skills are severely lacking, you learn your skills from the items you have equiped, but when you learn them you can only use a limited amount at any given time which means every time you enter a new area you had to re-allocate your skills... and of course the ultimate insult to mini games would be Tetra Master which defies all laws of logic by adding a random factor, that means that even if your cards stats are higher than your opponent you can still lose to vastly inferior cards... so in a nutshell the game isn't great like VI-VIII, X, & XII but it's a good tribute to FF of times past...

  2. #47
    footem's Avatar
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    i agree there are problems with many of the sidequests, especially in regards to the reward given at the end of them. If i remember right you dont ever really get anything for playing Tetra Master, and a number of hard sidequests just increase you treasure hunter rating rather than giving cool new stuff. Still love the game though!
    Quistis Treppe Groupie #3

  3. #48
    Bolivar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ReloadPsi View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Scarmiglione View Post
    The only thing I didn't like about this game is that the battle system is sluggish, even at max speed. VII and VIII's battles were much quicker.
    That's largely because they had much smaller parties than any other game in the series, both yours and the enemies'. I never met more than five monsters in a single battle, except the pincer attack from six frogs, and that's hardly significant. That's my theory anyway.
    Actually it's because the battle animations for non-summon magic and abilities are longer than they need to be. Just doing a simple ice is IX or VIII is over-extended. With enemies constantly using abilities, it's not uncommon to wait a full minute (or more) before a character actually executes the command you entered.

  4. #49
    Love Final Fantasy IX, the story is awesome(a lil old school,which is a nice touch) amazing graphics for the PS1, good characters, with some funny dialogue, i loveeeeee the soundtrack, i really liked this game not as good as VII probably equal to VIII if not slightly better.

  5. #50
    Definitely not over 9000. No.78's Avatar
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    Is this a rubbish game ?

  6. #51


    the games good, play it, oh and have you ever heard the saying Dont judge a book by its cover?mmmm.....

  7. #52


    I finished ths game for the first time two days ago and I have to say that it is my favourite game ever.

    Cheers to Polaris for the set!

    Final Fantasy's completed: I, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X

  8. #53
    Gold is the new black Goldenboko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bolivar View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by ReloadPsi View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Scarmiglione View Post
    The only thing I didn't like about this game is that the battle system is sluggish, even at max speed. VII and VIII's battles were much quicker.
    That's largely because they had much smaller parties than any other game in the series, both yours and the enemies'. I never met more than five monsters in a single battle, except the pincer attack from six frogs, and that's hardly significant. That's my theory anyway.
    Actually it's because the battle animations for non-summon magic and abilities are longer than they need to be. Just doing a simple ice is IX or VIII is over-extended. With enemies constantly using abilities, it's not uncommon to wait a full minute (or more) before a character actually executes the command you entered.
    Consider that unlike FFVII, X, or XII you don't need to take down enemies with two bajilion HP. There are less commands needed, so they can be a bit more flashy.

    FFVIII just had no excuse.

  9. #54
    Gangsta Kirby Lon611's Avatar
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    i just took on Ozma....big mistake :P
    thanks to Kamiko for the awesome sig and avatar too

  10. #55


    You're going to buy it and you're going to liiiike it.

  11. #56
    Fragaria addict Recognized Member Momiji's Avatar
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    Not buying the game because the main character had a tail is kind of a silly excuse, isn't it?

    Anyway, FFIX is probably the best one after the SNES era, in my opinion. It's a lot better than FFVII (then again, pretty much all of them are), and better than FFVIII too. It also had the best storyline of the Playstation-era of FF games too, in my opinion. It's very much worth buying.

  12. #57
    Thou shall not speak... Randgris's Avatar
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    Weird graphics, very nice storyline, each character has his/her own job class. Yeah you missed a lot.

    Well, I'm not a huge fan of 9, (I hate the card game, I suck at it) but overall, this game is nice enough to buy.

  13. #58
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rianoa View Post
    When i saw that the main character had a tail i didn't bother to buy it am i missing out what do you think ?
    Quite the opposite for me.

    I like the long hairy tail.

  14. #59


    It's not a rubbish game, it's one of the best in the series.

    But if you don't like it, go play something else.

  15. #60


    Overall, I consider it to be one of the best games in the series.

    However, that said, it also has a few irritating flaws that I think should be corrected in future remasters or remakes.

    One of the most annoying flaws in this game is that the Trance attacks cannot be saved for later battles;
    I don't know why the newer versions never fix that problem, because it is clearly one of the biggest complaints when it comes to this game.

    Another thing that might not necessarily be a flaw, but that I always found underwhelming, is that a lot of the minigames don't give you any rewards;
    this is one reason why Tetra Master is generally considered very inferior to Triple Triad in FF8.
    It would have also been nice if the coffee sidequest and the Hippaul race gave you something useful, like maybe several Elixirs for the coffee sidequest and some early RunningShoes for the Hippaul race, or something like that.
    I also thought that the Jump Rope minigame was overly frustrating, although that minigame at least gives you several rewards throughout the whole jumping part.

    The clear king among the sidequests in this game is Chocobo Hot & Cold;
    that sidequest is awesome, and it certainly makes up for all of the annoying sidequests.
    I also kinda like the Friendly Monsters sidequest.

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